This my telling of a folk tale I remember reading in my childhood. There are many variations of this tale that include how the Monkey and the Turtle find the banana tree (sometimes just there, sometimes blown in a storm, sometimes floating in the ocean etc); how the Turtle punishes the Monkey (sometimes sharp sticks, other times sharp snails attached to the trunk. Regardess, this folk tale has remained in my brain and as I retold the story, with each revision it was fun to discover the different voices and characters of the two.
Music Credit: my remix courtesy of Siddhartha Corsus - Epiphany from
After months of interviews and lots of editing work, this video is now being released. This is my first full-blown production done completely on WeVideo. I uploaded all my interviews and photos and then began the arduous process of deciding what video clips belonged where. I tossed my initial script because it sounded forced -- I was trying hard to find videos that fit into the script I created. So, this final product is more organic and I hope more interesting to watch. Direct link to video
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